Flex Frame Implant Supported Dentures are superior to all-zirconia and metal-bar implant supported dentures for the following reasons:
- Non-rigid design allows restorations to flex and absorb the forces from osseous flex and occlusal pounding to prolong implant longevity.
- Easily and inexpensively repaired and adjusted if the need arises
- Compatible with all implant systems.

- Framework strength and flexibility due to multi-directional interlacing layers of fiberglass layers
- One-piece design prevents separation of denture components and requires minimal interocclusal room. (Only 10 millimeters of inter-occlusal room needed.)
- Wide choice of aesthetic tooth materials from zirconia to e-max to composite.
- Only 10 millimeters of inter-occlusal room needed.
- low cost to manufacture results in reduced lab fees.
- Strong Cantilever design up to 20 millimeters.
Frameworks are milled from a revolutionary material called Trinia composed of a multi-directional interlacing of fiberglass and resin in several layers.

Contact Smile-Vision for more details and pricing.